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the calendar days of
October - November 2nd
(and Nov. 3)
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Tomorrow's Everyday Index Links In
Defense of Bush
and don't forget to check Norbert's
October Commentsand
September Comments on these quotes
A Defeated Quote
for the day of Wednesday, November 3, 2004
The election was yesterday.
Norbert Nonely.
"Now get out and VOTE!!!
for John Kerry
& John Edwards!!!"Norbert Nonely
go to JohnKerry.com for suggestions on what to do today to help get the vote out
A Sad US Soldier Quote
for the day of Monday, November 1, 2004
1 day until the election
in Iraq -
Soldiers -- particularly from National Guard and reserve units -- are sent into harm’s way in trucks jerry-rigged with plywood and sandbags instead of proper armor, and often lack field radios and even bullets. Soldiers call the vehicles "cardboard coffins."
from GIs Lack Armor, Radios, Bullets
on CBS Sixty Minutes 10/31/04but really it's from
That's a link to Salon.com and so is this. Check it out.
It's the best source of recent news that matters.
Especially look at their War Room.
A Stark Military Quote
for the day of Sunday, October 31, 2004
2 days until the election
I was in the [Bush] government then and I know what went down. We let him [Osama Bin Laden] get away. And now we're paying the price."
Richard Clarke
former counter-terrorism chief for the Clinton and Bush administrationsfrom Salon.com - on Ted Koppel's Nightline
of October 29 with the headline: Osama is for Bush
A Character- Revealing Quote
for the day of Saturday, October 30, 2004
3 days until the election
"Tipping is important. Character is important.
George W. Bush does not tip."Mathew Warren
from Bush Doesn't Tip, #147 of MoveOn.org's Bush in 30 Seconds video contest,
Read the full text of what he said
see the video
A Hip Hop Quote
for the day of Thursday, October 28, 2004
5 days until the election
Let the President answer
on high anarchyStrap him with an AK-47,
let him goFight his own war,
let him impress daddy that wayNo more blood for oil,
we got our own battles
to fight on our soil
from the new song Mosh
Eminem Aims at Bush
The Nation, October 27, 2004See the Video on WWW.MTV.COM
See MTV's Choose or Loose election page
and dig Kerry's 61% pre-election landslide tally of 97,685 voters
A Disgusted Republican Quote
for the day of Wednesday, October 27, 2004
6 days until the election
"This president has utterly failed to fulfill our expectations. We turn now to his Democratic challenger, Sen. John Kerry, with the belief that he is more likely to meet the hopes we once held for Mr. Bush."
Orlando Sentinel
Kerry for president
Our position: The Bush presidency has disappointed us on almost all counts.(The first time in 40 years that the Sentinel has endorsed a Democrat.)
A Supportive Quote
for the day of Tuesday, October 26, 2004
7 days until the election
"The most important reason to vote for John Kerry in November is to safeguard democracy in America."
The Nation, October 20, 2004
A Cautionary Quote
for the day of Monday, October 25, 2004
8 days until the election
"If the past informs the future, four more years of the Bush Administration will be a tragic period in the history of the United States and the world."
100 Facts and 1 Opinion
The Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration
by Judd Legum
The Nation, October 20, 2004
A Cultish Bush Administration Quote
for the day of Sunday, October 24, 2004
9 days until the election
"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
White House official to Ron Suskind
from Without a Doubt
the stunning article from the NY Times, Oct. 17, 2004
Another Distraught Republican Quote
for the day of Saturday, October 23, 2004
10 days until the election
"I am not enamored with John Kerry, but I am frightened to death of George Bush. I fear a secret government. "
Former Republican Senator, Marlow W. Cook
I shall cast my vote for John Kerry come Nov 2.
October 21, 2004 - the Courier-Journal / Louisville, Kentucky
A Prestigious Quote
for the day of Friday, October 22, 2004
11days until the election
"There is no denying that this race is mainly about Mr. Bush's disastrous tenure. . .
The Bush White House has always given us the worst aspects of the American right without any of the advantages. . .
Mr. Kerry has the capacity to do far, far better."
October 17, 2004
official endorsement
A Coverup-exposing Quote
for the day of Thursday, October 21, 2004
12days until the election
"In Bush's much ballyhooed war on terror, ignorance has been bliss."
Robert Scheer
THE 9/11 SECRET IN THE CIA'S BACK POCKET - The Agency is withholding a damning report that points at senior officials
LA Times, October 20, 2004
A Former-Conservative Quote
for the day of Wednesday, October 20, 2004
13 days until the election
"We have lost faith in our leaders. The world has lost faith in us. Our foray into Iraq, to disarm a nation of biological and nuclear weapons they did not have, has shrunk American credibility like a cheap sweater."
Ed Schultz from his book, Straight Talk from the Heartland : Tough Talk, Common Sense, and Hope from a Former Conservative
A Dedicated-Conservative Quote
for the day of Tuesday, October 19, 2004
14 days until the election
"The concerns for many conservative voters - concerns that may cause them not to vote for Mr. Bush on Nov. 2 - fall generally into three categories: fiscal, physical (as in the physical security of our nation) and freedom (as in protecting our civil liberties)."
An Agonizing Choice: Conservatives Have Plenty of Cause to Abandon Bush
By Bob Barr
Creative Loafing
Thursday 07 October 2004Former Georgia Republican Congressman Bob Barr was one of the attack dogs in the campaign to impeach Clinton. Now he has articulated the Conservative case against Bush.
A Patriotic Quote
for the day of Monday, October 18, 2004
15 days until the election
"My loyalty to the [Republican] party must give way to my love of this country. I consider it a patriotic duty to speak up when the future of our democracy is at stake.."
Judge Robert L. Black of Ohio
from A Republican Declares His Independence
The Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday 13 October 2004
A Venerable Quote
for the day of Sunday, October 17, 2004
16 days until the election
"I am more fearful for the state of this nation than I have ever been -- because this country is in the hands of an evil man: Dick Cheney. It is eminently clear that it is he who is running the country, not George W. Bush."
Elmer L. Andersen
see Why this Republican ex-governor will be voting for Kerry from the October 13, 2004 Star Tribune of Minneapolis-St. Paul
A Tragic Poetic Quote
for the day of Saturday, October 16, 2004
17 days until the election
Their's not to make reply,
Their's not to reason why,
Their's but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.from The Charge of the Light Brigade
Alfred, Lord Tennysonsee U.S. soldiers refuse `suicide mission'
A Global Test Quote
for the day of Friday, October 15, 2004
18 days until the election
"George Bush has squandered a wealth of sympathy around the world towards America since September 11."
from Poll Reveals World Anger at Bush by Alan Travis
from the Guardian/UK October 15, 2004 as featured in
Check out more on this great site - Common Dreams
A Fed Up Republican Quote
for the day of Thursday, October 14, 2004
19 days until the election
"Sen. Kerry, in whom I am willing to place my trust, has demonstrated that he is courageous, sober, competent, and concerned with fighting the dangers associated with the widening socio-economic gap in this country. I will vote for him enthusiastically."
life-long Republican JOHN EISENHOWER
see Why I will vote for John Kerry for President from
A Maternal Quote
for the day of Wednesday, October 13, 2004
20 days until the election
We are Mothers (and others) opposing Bush because this administration’s policies endanger our families and our country. Our mission is to get the facts out, get the voters out and get this administration out of office.
MOB - check it out!
As for Tonight's Debate - Take action
An Illustrated Quote
for the day of Tuesday, October 12, 2004
21 days until the election
from Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World as featured in Working For Change
A Linguistic Quote
for the day of Monday, October 11, 2004
22 days until the election
"Framing can be an honest expression of what you really believe. It has been for a number of speakers at this convention. But last night's speeches by Miller and Cheney are filled with classic examples of framing by willful distortion."
George Lakoff from Nailing the frames of the Republican National Convention, Wednesday, September 1: Red-meat night frames Kerry
UC Berkeley News, September 2, 2004
A Revealing Quote
for the day of Sunday, October 10, 2004
23 days until the election
"In his last year in office, Clinton sent two delegations to the Gulf to suggest that the Royal family crack down on "charitable donations" from their kingdom to the guys who blew up our embassies. But when a failed Texas oil man took over the White House in January 2001, demands on the Saudis to cut off terror funding simply stopped."
Greg Palast from the Observer (Britain's premier Sunday newspaper)
Friday, September 10, 2004 from the Observer (Britain's premier Sunday newspaper)
A Tell-it-like-it-is Quote
for the day of Saturday, October 9, 2004
24 days until the election
"Today we are more unpopular worldwide than at any point in our history. Our political policies make us more despised than any other State. ...
You divide your enemies and unite your friends. We are doing the opposite."Zbigniew Brzezinski
from Charlie Rose's 7/19/2004 interview
Also see a review of Brzezinski's new book,
THE CHOICE: Global Domination or Global Leadership
A Deeply Questioning Quote
for the day of Friday, October 8, 2004
25 days until the election
"What is precipitating the shift towards the intensifying religious passions that are turning almost 25 per cent of the world's population against America?"
Zbigniew Brzezinski
from Bush's misadventure in the Middle East
Financial Times -August 6
A Rebellious Quote
for the day of Thursday, October 7, 2004
26 days until the election
"My friends, they will not catch me. Though I may be on the run, and I may never be able to return home to my beloved Michigan."
Michael Moore, October 6, 2000, after Republicans in Michigan tried to get him arrested for giving young slackers free underwear and ramen noodles for voting in this election. Read Republicans, Out of Ideas, Ask Prosecutors to Arrest Michael Moore
(from MichaelMoore.com)
A Public Quote
for the day of Wednesday, October 6, 2004
27 days until the election
"Cheney and Bush want privacy for their conversations, but not for anyone else's."
- Tony Mauro in USA Today, Feb. 27, 2002
See Move On's page on Who is Dick Cheney
An Embarrassing Quote
for the day of Tuesday, October 5, 2004
28 days until the election
"We will be greeted as liberators."
Dick Cheney on NBC's "Meet the Press" on the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq
from 10 Questions for Dick Cheney By John Nichols Published on Monday, October 4, 2004 by The Nation
John Nichols' book on Cheney, Dick: The Man Who Is President, has just been released by The New Press.
A Disturbing Quote
for the day of Monday, October 4, 2004
29 days until the election
"The White House has declared that safeguarding the nation's critical infrastructure is not a federal responsibility."
According to President Bush's 2002 National Homeland Security Strategy, "The government should only address those activities that the market does not adequately provide -- for example, national defense or border security. ... For other aspects of homeland security, sufficient incentives exist in the private market to supply protection."
Our leaders harbor the delusion that the real fight against terrorism is overseas
The Neglected Home Front
By Stephen E. Flynn
From Foreign Affairs, September/October 2004
A Succinct Quote
for the day of Sunday, October 3, 2004
30 days until the election
"The President’s handling of the war has been a toxic mix of ignorance, arrogance and stubborn ideology."
Senator Ted Kennedy - in a recent speech to students at George Washington University.
Watch the speech
Read the transcript from Move On
An Urgent Quote
for the day of Saturday, October 2, 2004
31 days until the election
!!!Last Chance to Register to Vote!!!
from the folks at
Norbert suggests you read this letter from Move On about this vital subject.
***************** *******************
A Rousing Quote
for the day of Friday, October 1, 2004
32 days until the election - consider the following
"He's going down!"
Al Franken on Air America Radio. It was the Al Franken show's first day of the road tour, broadcast live from San Diego on Sept. 30,2004.
Today's Calendar
Tomorrow's Everyday Index Links In
Defense of Bush
and don't forget to check Norbert's
October Commentsand
September Comments on these quotes
Norbert says: Feel free to print it up and pass it around. The calendar print pages off the individual days are best for printing each one individually. Go to the day you want from Everyday Index and hit the "calendar page you can print" toward the bottom.
Got something to say? Email norbert@electioncountdowncalendar.com