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Sept. 1 - Nov. 2

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Wed 9-1    *62

W Scans Headlines

Thu 9-2  *61!


Free nations, peaceful nations

Fri 9-3     *60!

Poor people aren't necessarily killers

Sat 9-4     *59!

W: God told me to strike

Sun 9-5 *58!
W: If this were a dictator-

Mon 9-6     *57!

W: Important church state bridge 

Tue 9-7    *56!
W: Rich people are able to avoid taxes

Wed 9-8   *55!

the Haves and the Have Mores

Thu 9-9  *54
W: Unable to practice their love

Fri 9-10   *53!

Vote for us or die

Sat 9-11   *52!

W: Saddam Hussein is a menace

Sun 9-12*51!

W: I don't need to explain
Mon 9-13   *50!

Broken treaties under Bush, 

Tue 9-14  *49!

W's catastrophic success

Wed 9-15 *48!


The Neglected Home Front

Thu 9-16 *47!


America the Vulnerable

Fri 9-17   *46!

911 Widows Endorse Kerry

Sat 9-18   *45!
Gen Odom:

Far Graver than Vietnam
Sun 9-19*44!

Bush is  soft on terror

Mon 9-20   *43!

Sen Bob Grahame:
Quagmire which has no end in sight

Tue 9-21  *42!

Rather:  The flaming tire of lacking in patriotism

Wed 9-22 *41!

Truth Out: 
Your Media is Killing You

Thu 9-23*40!

The President who does not feel

Fri 9-24   *39!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
America's worst environmental president
Sat 9-25 *38!

Thousands of Russian nuclear warheads targeted on  U.S.
Sun 9-26 *37!

Helen Caldicott: 
In 30 years I've never seen so much danger

Mon 9-27   *36!

Joe Kline in
Scott McClellan sounds like  Baghdad Bob

Tue 9-28  *35!

Planned Parenthood: Bush waging a war on women & reproductive rights

Wed 9-29 *34!

Bush is Endangering our Safety, Hurting 
Thu 9-30  *33!

Bernard Kalb: 
If you set the bar real low for Bush
Fri 10-1   *32!

Al Franken:

He's going down!
Sat 10-2   *31!

Move On says: Last Chance to Register to Vote!!!

Sun 10-3 *30!

Sen Ted Kennedy: ignorance, arrogance, stubborn ideology

Mon 10-4    *29!

White House: Nation's infrastructure not a federal responsibility

Tue 10-5  *28!


We will be greeted as liberators

Wed 10-6 *27!

USA Today: Who is Dick Cheney?
Thu 10-7  *26!

Michael Moore: They will not catch me

Fri 10-8   *25!

urning 1/4 of the world against America

Sat 10-9   *24!

Our political policies make us more despised than any other State.

Sun 10-10 *23!

Greg Palast:
Demands on the Saudis to cut off terror funding simply-stopped

Mon 10-11 *22!

Classic examples of framing by
willful distortion
Tue 10-12 *21!

Tom Tomorrow 
& Working for Change

Cheney WMD assurance

Wed 10-13*20!

Mothers Opposed to Bush

Thu 10-14 *19!

Enthusiastic about Kerry

Fri 10-15  *18!

World Anger


Sat 10-16 *17!

Theirs but to Do or Die
SoldiersRefuse SuicideMission

Sun 10-17 *16!

Republican ex-governor  voting for Kerry

Mon 10-18 *15!

My loyalty to the [Republican] party must give way

Tue 10-19 *14!
Bob Barr:
Conservatives Have Plenty of Cause to Abandon Bush
Wed 10-20 *13!

Ed Shultz:
Shrunk American credibility like a cheap sweater
Thu 10-21 *12!

Bob Scheer:

In Bush's much ballyhooed war on terror, ignorance has been bliss.
Fri 10-22 *11!

NY Times:
This race is mainly about Mr. Bush's  disastrous tenure

Sat 10-23 *10!

Ex GOP Sen. Cook: Frightened to death of George Bush

Sun 10-24 *9!

White House to Suskind: We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality

Mon 10-25   *8!

The Nation, 100 Facts: 
Four more years of the Bush Administration would be a tragic period
Tue 10-26  *7!

The Nation:
Vote for John Kerry in November to safeguard democracy

Wed 10-27 *6!

Orlando Sentinel: 
This president has utterly failed to fulfill our expectations

Thu 10-28 *5!

No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our soil

Fri 10-29   *4!

Bush Relatives:
Sad that I cannot with good conscience vote for a member of my family

Sat 10-30   *3!

Mathew Warren:

Bush doesn't tip

Sun 10-31 *2!

Richard Clark:
We let him [Osama Bin Laden] get away. And now we're paying the price

Mon 11-1     *1!

Salon.com reports 60 minutes says: Soldiers call the vehicles "cardboard coffins."

Tue 11-2    *0!


Wed 11-03 



Today's Calendar                 Norbert's Comments

yesterday etc               Tomorrow                 Links          In Defense of Bush