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A Republican Declares His Independence
By Robert L. Black
The Cincinnati Enquirer
Wednesday 13 October 2004
When in the course of a lifetime, it becomes necessary for a born Republican to
refuse to support the re-election of the party's incumbent president, to
exercise his discretion, and in all good conscience, to vote for an opponent
(even a Democrat), a decent respect to the opinions of his fellows requires that
he declare the causes that impel him to switch.
I am grateful to the Republican Party for the support it gave me on each of
three elections as judge. I respect many of the party leaders in Ohio.
Nevertheless, my loyalty to the party must give way to my love of this country.
I consider it a patriotic duty to speak up when the future of our democracy is
at stake.
It is self-evident that everyone has certain unalienable rights endowed by the
Creator, and that among these are the right to his/her own conscience and the
right to pursue his/her sense of justice. Whenever in the field of politics the
party to which he has belonged, and that party's president, become destructive
of his vision of what is not only right and fair but also good for our future,
it is his duty to call the tune as he hears it. When that future is endangered
by the present policies of the administration, it is time to act. The record of
this incumbent president is a history not only of repeated violations of the key
principles underlying our democracy, but of the core values of the Christian
faith to which he claims commitment. Let his actions be stated candidly.
He has taken us into a pre-emptive war, misleading the country by alleging
without qualification that there was an immediate threat to our safety. No
weapons of mass destruction have been found despite the president's
unconditional declarations that he had to pre-empt Saddam Hussein's use of
weapons of mass destruction.
He engaged in this war without any workable plan to win the peace. While the
ultimate outcome of this adventure is unknown, the loss of human life and the
imposition of human suffering weigh heavily against us.
The effect of this adventure is to solidify the deadly opposition of radical
Muslim extremists, who are currently leading of the Muslim world. He has
exacerbated a dangerous confrontation, a conflict of religious dimensions.
The result of the arrogant way the war was handled is that the president has
alienated our long-established allies: and it will take decades to re-establish
friendly working relations with these other powers.
He acted unilaterally in pulling the nation from international treaties designed
to move toward a more livable and a more just world, such as the Kyoto Treaty
and the treaty creating the World Court of Law.
At the same time, he has cut the taxes owed by the richest 1 percent or 2
percent of the population, giving meaningless decreases for all the rest, and
with no resulting benefit to the job market or the economy. He has presided over
the largest loss of jobs since the Great Depression.
He has appointed or sought to appoint to the federal judiciary persons who hold
extreme right-wing views, views that are driven by political bias and that
ignore established legal precedent. (He threatens to appoint such a person to
the Supreme Court.)
He has ignored or denied widely accepted scientific findings. For example, with
respect to stem cell research, captured by a religious minority, he limited this
research to a degree that radically restricts research leading to benefits for
hundreds of thousands of persons subject to major disabilities and early death.
He has re-emphasized abortion as a political issue, when it is a purely personal
decision for the woman.
He has allowed an increase in the number and type of media organizations any one
company can acquire, thus permitting a further concentration of power over the
He has again and again reversed the regulations and policies designed to protect
the environment, always adopting a policy that favors those manufacturers and
industrialists whose actions have clearly fouled the air and water. He pushes
for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and throughout northern
Alaska. He is allowing the logging of our national parks. He ignores scientific
findings that the world is being subjected to a warming climate change that is
man-made and that could otherwise be forestalled or radically slowed down.
He has adopted or proposed regulations that endanger the safety of persons, when
a Republican two-house legislature will not act in his favor. His regulations
would prevent the release to the public of car safety information, such as
warranty claims, consumer complaints and individual rights on safety issues; he
would relax the rule on allowable coal dust in mines; he would eliminate the
rule requiring employers to keep records of employees' ergonomics injuries; he
has cut 77 personnel from the staff of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration; he has raised the allowable mercury content in the air.
I am, as American citizens ought to be, free to express my deeply held
convictions, derived from my conscience and sense of justice, and to vote for
candidates who in my opinion will act in the best interests of the country. In
this, as in other life actions, my prayer is I am in line with the will of God.
Robert L. Black is a retired judge of the Hamilton County Common Pleas Court
and the Ohio First District Court of Appeals.