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Links IN DEFENSE OF BUSH - episode 8 In which Ned Needleman defends President George W. Bush against the accusation that "the war in Iraq has greatly decreased our security for no good reason."
Delbert: Hi Ned. Thanks for taking my call. IDB: You bet. And what's your beef with the president. Delbert: Well, I think President Bush is a terrible president. I can't believe anyone would vote for him to begin with. He doesn't seem very intelligent, but more than that, he seems immature and reckless. I think he's made terrible decisions as president and has really offensive policies. I should be more specific. I think that the idea that he's strong on defense, strong on protecting America, is ridiculous. It's the opposite. I think that the war in Iraq has greatly decreased our security for no good reason. I mean, I'm glad Hussein is gone, but at what cost? In the first place we're obviously less safe. And aside from the all the American soldiers who have died, and some of the Coalition of the Willing from other countries who have died, and some civilians, and how many thousands of Iraqis, and all the wounded and maimed people, aside from that, we could have spent the hundreds of billions of dollars this foolish war is costing on homeland security, on strengthening our borders, on securing all the loose plutonium in Russia - I mean, the Bush administration has not shown much interest at all in the most important steps that need to be taken to make us more secure. They just talk tough - him and Cheney and Rumsfeld and their people - talk tough and then act rashly and just sort of flail about like drunks in a bar. I can't believe so many people fall for their noise machine and can't see that they're really very dangerous and incompetent. IDB: Are you finished? Delbert: Well, okay. I mean, that's just one tiny mole hill of criticism out of a mountain that I could keep going with. So what do you have to say? IDB: And now, IN DEFENSE OF BUSH. I disagree. Delbert: And...? IDB: No ifs ands or buts. You had your chance and you blew it. This is Ned Needleman In Defense of Bush. |
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