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Links IN DEFENSE OF BUSH - episode 6 In which Ned Needleman defends the Bush-Cheney White House against the accusation that the U.S. is pursuing contradictory and seemingly self-destructive nuclear policies.
Here we have Rachel from the Environmental Research Foundation [see Rachel's Environment and Health News #795]. Rachel: I am trying to discover reasons why the U.S. is pursuing contradictory and seemingly self-destructive nuclear policies, including: (1) President Bush stresses again and again that the two greatest dangers facing the U.S. are the spread of nuclear materials and know-how into the hands of (a) terrorists and (b) erratic and belligerent countries. (2) Meanwhile Vice-President Cheney and the Commerce Department are promoting the sale of nuclear power plants around the world even though it is widely acknowledged that nuclear power provides a sure path to nuclear weapons for any country so inclined. Witness the recent experience of India, Pakistan, North Korea and Iran. (3) President Bush has initiated a "second nuclear age," ordering up a new generation of small atomic bombs which are needed because they are "more usable" than older, larger A-bombs. And Mr. Bush has announced provocative new war policies, including the threat of pre-emptive nuclear strikes against America's enemies, even enemies without nuclear arms. (4) Meanwhile the U.S. is deliberately dragging its feet in efforts to secure thousands of loose nuclear weapons in countries of the former Soviet Union, and is failing to retrieve tons of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium that were given or lent to 40 or more countries under the "atoms for peace" program begun by President Eisenhower. It's as if U.S. leaders -- or the political supporters to whom they are beholden -- believe that the rogue detonation of a nuclear device in some key city like Jerusalem or even New York is inevitable and can't be stopped, or perhaps might even be beneficial in some way and therefore should be enabled. IDB: Okay Rachael. You've had your say and IN DEFENSE OF BUSH, I suggest you should love your country or leave it. Rachel: I do love... IDB: And that's all the time we have right now. I'm Ned Needleman In Defense of Bush. |
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