To Find the Girl from Perth has been gone over and over by the
author and friends and the publisher, but it is not professionally edited and
copyedited like his prior three books which were done with major publishers.
As this book is printed on demand we can fix errors and make other small
changes for a reasonable charge when we choose. Therefore we would greatly
appreciate it if you, dear reader, would send us any mistakes of grammar,
punctuation, spelling, etc. Just fill out the form below and we'll bow with
gratitude. Some apparent errors may be that way on purpose. Errata and other
changes that were made to the book for the second printing are listed below.
Errata for Color Dreams for To Find the Girl from Perth, the audiobook, and
other items also accepted here.
Please include the page number and any other data that will
help us locate the error you've found. Though you can certainly fill this out
anonymously, we'd like to know who you are so we can send our thanks. To
contact DC:
Errata in the 2nd printing - not fixed yet for the 3rd but will be soon. - dc,
7-09 - P 42 - The Jesuits had it out for him TO The Franciscans had it out for
4-09 - Old friend Neil Rubenking caught many new errata. Strange thing is he
was reading the first printing and 3/4ths of the mistakes he found are ones we
missed. The peddle to pedal he caught so did we but in searching I found this
other mistake. Here's a link for Neil - dc
p 38 -- (twice),p56,p290,p371(twice) Coreolis TO Coriolis [It's written
Coreolis many places, even sites about it - but Coriolis is correct
p 70 -- fichus TO ficus (often spelled with h but that's not official)
p 96 -- Monterrey TO Monterey
-- it's in California, not Mexico
p 90 -- the fridge is fowl TO the fridge is foul -- though it could be
decaying chicken
p 136 -- third most populace TO third most populous
p 153 -- specially caste TO specially cast
p 166 -- marshal arts TO martial arts
p 202 -- Ms. Packman TO Ms. Pac-Man
p 205 -- barbarian with hoards TO barbarian with hordes
p 289 -- especially one," TO "especially one,"
In the bio at the end of the book, in the middle of the page -- alumni TO alum
-- or it could be alumnus (thanks Michael Goldman)
Done for 3rd edition
Main Changes made for the second printing
Not mentioning every little tiny detail such as fixing errors with
capitalization, quotation marks (double and single), punctuation, verb tense.
Also connected all dashes to adjoining words. From this -- to--this.
Some decisions were made such as to put the titles of all works in italics:
books, stories, movies, TV shows, songs regardless of convention. Author has a
distaste for quotation marks, also uses exclamation marks sparingly, dashes
excessively. There are no semicolons in the book. When the gender of the third
person pronoun is indefinite, the third person plural is usually employed.
Single quote marks are placed after a punctuation mark only if it’s actually a
quote within a quote.
The biggest change is the map added to page XCVII:

Table of Contents - Rottsnest to Rottnest – many other places (worst error)
On the song contents page No Hope should be on p256
at various states TO at various stages;
eldest son TO elder son
from Speir Publishing as Color Dreams To Find the Girl from Perth
ADD <for> - Color Dreams for To Find the Girl from Perth
ADD - Ahdel Chadwick, my keen-eyed mother, for finding numerous errors in the
first printing (see the Changes/Errata section of
Colleen Sumser TO Colleen Gildea
AFTER: The wonderful people of WA with my apologies for any misrepresentations
of them or the venues herein—memory moves, imagination grows, artistic
license, and so forth.
ADD as a new paragraph:
A few Ozzies in particular for teaching me all that Oz slang, much of which
they'd argue with each other over what is still used and which is more
associated with the Outback or Tasmania or wherever and whenever.
Wavin' by to her from the stern of the royal rowboat
by TO bye
p40 – and elsewhere
Dionysius – the saint and theologian (was spelling both this way)
Dionysus – the god of wine, etc.
it's not true, it’s not power, not this, it’s not that, and on and on.
TO - it's not truth, it’s not power, not this, not that, and on and on.
stripped numbat TO striped numbat
I thought for a minute, then, “Sorry, sorry. I get it. Latter on - late Ron.
Here’s to Ron.”
TO - Latter to Later
mediation TO meditation
Stubbed his toe – oh – oh TO Stubbed his toe – oh! – oh!
where I live, helped them to get it going. He choose the site
choose TO chose
hour she was saying it didn’t effect her and she was joking
effect TO affect
local and foreign currency on the ceiling and the bartender
Make two sentences cause this is confusing
local and foreign currency on the ceiling. The bartender
p103 –
get juice in the laundry hut and storage sheds, the later to
later TO latter
CUT - We turned wheels inland to outstretched green hills
[repeats on next page]
p113 –
Men who have taken ecstasy are 36% less likely to commit murder than those who
didn’t TO haven’t
It’s not like wine you can spit out, though I you could try not to inhale
Remove the word "I"
two tongued lizard men TO two-tongued lizard men
Rudy who set Gupta up with her told us to in so many words
CUT <to>
p 132
capitol TO capital
I did a number, derivative of Yun Men, the Zen master who had to Zen folk,
famously said, “Every day is a good day.”
Reword more clearly
I did a number, derivative of Yun Men, the Zen master who is well-known among
Zen folk for saying, “Every day is a good day.”
Gaudy understood TO Gaudi
Atlas TO atlas
thump of a base drum. TO bass drum.
There was an Aboriginal women TO woman
“Let’s smoke a cone,” Mindy said, sat down in a darkened
TO as she sat down in a darkened
He asked if I’ve noticed the alters. TO altars
Al Pachino TO Pacino
declined desert and amontillado. TO dessert
petty coat TO petticoat
Aldus Huxley’s TO Aldous
the next step would be in the area of interactive virtual reality
TO inter-active
it felt more like a no holds bared death match.
TO barred (and Hyphenate the phrase)
it felt more like a no-holds-barred death match.
the underside one of the propellers
TO the underside of one of the propellers
Knott TO Knot
curser TO cursor (and subsequent places)
shinning TO shining
drying on open sand beds, the results which are then used as
TO results of which are then used as
self portrait TO self-portrait
one half TO one-half
on the door, where the thugs supposedly watching Mindy come and go,
TO would come and go,
“I guess that’s the arm that was burned,” the Director said.
Don’t CAP <director> and subsequently many times
round-about TO roundabout
I started to say something to Fenster but I get dizzy.
TO I got dizzy.
“My head hurts,” I said.
“Mine too.” ADD <moaned Gupta>
We went though that exhausting, and highly inventive, treasure hunt
TO We went through that
Johnno picked up the crow bar TO crowbar (many times subsequently)
“Go on! Go on!” I yelled down at Johnno and, as I heard the gate clang shut
and the chain rattle, caught in the faint light and shadows below the sight of
a thick tail swinging
ADD <I> before <caught> AND ADD a Dash after <below-->
“Go on! Go on!” I yelled down at Johnno and, as I heard the gate clang shut
and the chain rattle, I caught in the faint light and shadows below--the sight
of a thick tail swinging
entered followed by Gelar and then a policemen TO policeman
the croc's eyes, walked around it, reached over and picked up the bag,
TO picked up the bag from a ledge,
“We got a less than an hour till dinner,” I said.
We TO We’ve
blotto, pissed, Brahms and List TO Liszt
Raton TO rattan
Frannie paid them with objects de art TO objets d'art
to the airport—principle among them, Samo and Techo TO principal
pulley was drawn back and tied off taught TO taut
stepped on a bent peddle TO pedal
or something to that affect TO effect
two legged TO two-legged
phenomena TO phenomenon
Wall Mart to Wal-Mart or Walmart
adding to all trip TO adding to the whole trip
co-incidence TO coincidence.