DC MISC and Poetry
May 30, 2019
Went to another poetry slam, this one in Denpasar which we live on the edge of in Sanur. I'm sort of expected to go since I won one. I enjoyed them. Don't like the judging but I understand why they do it. It makes it more of an event and involves people. Sometimes the judging is good like the one last Sunday night IMHO but sometimes it's sort of random. The poems are in Indonesian and English or both. Some slams are almost all English. The one the other night was all Indonesian except for one woman and me. I was the only non Indonesian. The Indonesian is too difficult for me to get more than bits and pieces. Lot of young people. It was held at a pretty funky cool gathering spot with espresso, a small pond with a neat tree that looked like a big bonsai about five feet tall on an island in the pond. That was open air. There were two air-conditioned spaces. There were some people meeting upstairs at one of them. The slam was where that tree is. There were about forty people. I introduced my poem by saying in Indonesian that the subject of the slam tonight is Pride according to the messages sent out, that I had done a translation with the help of Google Translate but that it probably would come across weird so I'm reading it in English. I did so slowly and with feeling. It had the same underlying theme as all but the one I did at the first slam due to the seeming void of awareness or at least interest in that subject. Like the slam before, I wrote it quickly shortly before going. I do not think of myself as a poet. Good to get out.
Proud of this vibrating body so complex
Of the human race so fascinating
Of all life so wondrous
Of this great blue being earth
Proud of our own star
The heart of this system spinning out beyond Pluto
One of hundreds of billions in the galaxy I’m proud of
So vast and astounding
Proud of the universe and to be a part of this incalculable creature
With billions or trillions of galaxies
And same for all that appears in the unknown phenomenal realm
That our universe is surely an infinitely tiny part of
Within this body called mine
Proud of the countless goings on
Down to tiny events that combine to make us and everything
While passing sadly through our home planet
That we continue to devastate and desecrate
I'm proud of the young people who did not go to school last Friday.
One and a half million students from 110 countries
Demanding we all wake up to how we are overheating the earth
Aware of a bigger body from which
They and their descendants cannot escape
Aware of how we earthlings are quickly
Turning this glorious biosphere
Of life as it is
Into a vast graveyard
Where flowers will eventually grow
That we will not smell.
Still proud of it all for it’s not just that we're living this life
Inside the great whatever
As Rumi and saints and the wise galore have hinted and teased
It's also all within this mystery I proudly and foolishly call me.
Coba periksa Google translate. - DC
Dengan umat manusia begitu menarik
Dengan semua kehidupan begitu menakjubkan
Dengan makhluk biru agung ini
Bangga dengan bintang kita sendiri
Jantung dari sistem ini berputar di luar Pluto
Satu dari ratusan miliar di galaksi yang saya banggakan
Begitu luas dan mencengangkan
Bangga dengan alam semesta dan menjadi bagian dari makhluk yang tak terhitung
Dengan miliaran atau triliunan galaksi
Dan sama untuk semua yang muncul di ranah fenomenal yang tidak dikenal
Bahwa alam semesta kita pasti merupakan bagian yang sangat kecil
Di dalam tubuh ini yang disebut milikku
Bangga dengan kejadian yang tak terhitung jumlahnya yang terjadi
Ke acara sangat kecil yang bergabung untuk membuat kita dan segalanya
Sambil melewati sedih melalui planet rumah kita
Bahwa kita terus menghancurkan dan menodai
Saya bangga dengan orang-orang muda yang tidak pergi ke sekolah Jumat lalu.
Satu setengah juta siswa dari seratus sepulu negara
Menuntut kita semua bangun untuk bagaimana kita terlalu panas di bumi
Sadar akan tubuh yang lebih besar
Mereka dan keturunan mereka tidak bisa melarikan diri
Sadar bagaimana kita orang bumi cepat
Mengubah biosfer yang mulia ini
Hidup seperti apa adanya
Ke dalam kuburan yang luas
Di mana bunga pada akhirnya akan tumbuh
Bahwa kita tidak akan mencium bau.
Masih bangga dengan semua itu karena bukan hanya kita menjalani hidup ini
Di dalam apa pun yang hebat
Seperti Rumi dan para santo dan banyak orang bijak telah mengisyaratkan dan
Itu juga semua dalam misteri ini saya dengan bangga dan bodoh memanggil saya.